I am meeting many people like myself who are concerned about our community
We Care About Kenosha County
When I think about the future of Kenosha County I think in terms of common sense solutions that attract and retain our next generation of citizens so they can grow and contribute to our community's future.
Some ways to accomplish this are:
Leverage our great local higher education institutions
Attract companies that pay living wages
Expand activities to attract the next generation of families
Protect and showcase our beautiful lake shore and nature preserves
I Am A Champion For...
Education and industry partnerships
Strengthening our community through
Good paying jobs
Retaining our youth
Attracting talented people
Stewardship of the environment and biodiversity
Teacher & Business Person
When I was a teacher people would say that “you seem more like a business person”.
When I was in the business world people would say “you seem more like a teacher”.
When I was in sales management at Snap-on my nickname was professor.
And as I hope you will see I have been blending these together my entire working career.
My personal motto for as long as I can remember has been “Learn and teach”.
People have said this of me: Intellectually curious, creative, the idea guy, a visionary leader.
Working as a leader for both business and community, I successfully advised Snap-on management to invest in our community.​
Grow Your Own Food & Conserve Our Natural Resources
Gardens and cooking has always been a big deal growing up in my family. We always were in the garden, my grandparents and uncles all had great gardens. To this day when I talk to my siblings our conversations quickly migrate to what’s happening in the garden and "have you eaten anything good lately". When we are together cooking in the kitchen and sharing, the meal is always at the core of our love for each other.
My yard is not only a food source for my family, but a source of biodiversity: Asian pears, apples, cherries, black raspberries and food for pollinators.
My philosophy of growing is to replicate the gardens of our grandparents and how they preserved their food. Growing, harvesting and cooking from my garden brings me joy and reduces my carbon footprint. I enjoy teaching and encouraging others to garden. Children love to garden, and I think it's important to start educating them early about their food and its impact on resources.
One approach would be to encourage people to get involved in community gardens. I believe in the power of teaching; and through awareness we can strengthen our values of environmental awareness.